Welcome to Nannies On Call Lebanon!

Lebanon's leading provider of professional and dedicated in-home child care experts. We provide parents with the knowledge that their children are left in safe and trusted hands.

Babysitters and nannies available for Greater Beirut, Metn and Kesserwan.

Our Services

babysitting services in lebanon

Who We Are

Founded by Marielle Bedrossian, Nannies On Call Lebanon has a top priority of providing peace of mind for parents who are looking for a short break.

Nannies On Call Lebanon offers in-home babysitting and child care services to families looking for a helping hand. Whether you are going out for the evening and need a babysitter to look after your kids, or need the occasional help overnight so you can sleep a bit.

Through a team of professional and dedicated Lebanese ladies, Nannies On Call Lebanon answers these needs and more. Our nannies and caregivers have an extensive experience in child care and are qualified to handle children of all ages, from newborn babies to toddlers and little kids.

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Why choose us


Expert Care

All our nannies are qualified, educated and have at least 10 years of experience in child care. We will send the right person to suit your needs.

We Come To You

The babysitter will come to your house or hotel so you wouldn't have to displace your kids from their safe environment.

Affordable Rates

Our rate is standard and calculated with your best interest in mind. You will know exactly what you are paying for. No hidden fees.

What our clients are saying

The service was super professional. I have received excellent care for my kids and so grateful for being referred to nannies on call company. My new year’s holiday was enjoyable knowing that the load of 3 kids would be minimized for few hours every day. I would definitely recommend them for those who need extra help or if you are on vacation. Thank you again lovely nannies on call team for your kind support and genuine care for my children. I wouldn’t have enjoyed myself and my vacation without you. 

Mrs. Zahra Khabbaz
I planned a weekend with my wife for our anniversary and I’m so glad I discovered this agency! From the first phone call with the owner, I knew I can trust them, she was very friendly, honest and helpful.
You have no idea how professional they are! The nanny arrived on time and made sure she gets all the information she needs before we left the house.
We enjoyed our weekend without any worries and she was updating us all the time.
I highly recommend this company trust me you will never regret
Mr. Kamal Kassem
Very professional and helpful support. My first encounter was even over my expectation and my little boy was very happy which made me comfortable and encouraged me to use their services again. The nannies are professional, attentive to details, caring, joyful and are happy in the work they do. This makes the parents feel very secure. Thumbs up! I would highly recommend their services to all parents.
Mrs. Rita Saleh
My experience with nannies on call was fantastic. I had the nanny for 8 consecutive months and I was very impressed with the service!
In the beginning, I was so nervous to leave my 3 months old baby girl with a strange person, but as soon as I met the nanny I had a good feeling. She asked all the right questions on arrival, putting me at ease and allowing me to go to work knowing that my baby was safe and happy!
The nanny was a very calm person and had a sweet presence which made things so much easier for us. She was so nice to my little girl and treated her with so much caution and love.
Thank you Nannies on Call team! I appreciate so much the service you provide. I would highly recommend nannies on call to anyone and would use the service again.
Mr. Michel Joseph Hanna

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